Monday, August 19, 2013

Reflective Synopsis

“e-Learning is so broad and encompassing that it’s hard to articulate a brief definition that actually does the term justice…the use of any electronic technology to aid in the acquisition and development of knowledge and understanding in order to demonstrable and positively influence behaviours.” – aadm
e-Learning is the implementation of ICT’s (Information and Communication Technologies) in pedagogical methods. Today’s “‘digital natives’…absorb information quickly, in images and video as well as text…they operate at ‘twitch speed’” (elearnmag). Through the integration of these technologies in the classroom, learning managers are able to offer more individualized instruction. Students are able to learn when, how, where they want and with an enhanced level of creativity.
“…more than just adapting for different learning styles or allowing the user to change the font size and background colour; IT IS THE PLACING OF THE CONTROL OF LEARNING ITSELF INTO THE HANDS OF THE LEARNER.” – elearnmag

The web itself has been revolutionised. The ‘new’ Web 2.0 sees the change from the ‘read web’ to a more constructivism form; the ‘read-write web’, with strong encouragement of participation from it’s users.
“…a platform, in which content was created, shared, remixed, repurposed and passed along…with a vocabulary consisting not just of words but of images, video, multimedia.” - elearnmag  
A quote I have referred to previously reads;
“There are arguments that classrooms are in danger of becoming redundant unless significant changes are made to curriculum and assessment practices.”

The Melbourne Declaration on the Educational Goals for Young Australians has the ICT capability requirements listed as;
“…recognises that in a digital age…young people need to be highly skilled in its use…empowered within a technologically sophisticated society now and into the future, students need the knowledge, skills and confidence to make ICT work for them at school, at home and in their communities.” – MCEETYA 2008
Through the past six week blog posts, a reoccurring theme presented. As teachers, our role is to empower our learners. Through the engagement of challenging, invoking content; strong pedagogy, which enables higher order thinking; assisted by solid teaching strategies and supporting the three learning theories, whilst working legally and ethically. Embedding ICT within this framework plays a powerful role. This leads to exploring how educators can successfully implement these strategies within pedagogical practices.

Underpinning e-Learning design is the TPACK framework. It’s basis combines the appropriate technical skills, strong content knowledge with the combination of relevant pedagogy. Pedagogy, “the art and science of teaching”, is naturally critical for educators. As previously referenced in my blog;
“…authentic context, problem-based learning, deep understanding and higher order thinking, collaboration for learning, and the creative and inventive solution to the problem that addresses the real-world problem posed.” 
However, in order to plan engaging and provoking learning experiences, Education Queensland has clear outlines of the incorporation of ICT to facilitate quality lessons. They outline that digital pedagogy ‘transforms learning…supports thinking…allows learners to build solutions and products through highly creative, expressive and reflective processes.’
Digital pedagogy supports and enhances HOW learners learn. As learning materials suggest, within the cognitive theory, learning is ‘best designed…if it is presented in small chunks.’
“Enter Web 2.0, a vision of the Web in which information is broken up into ‘microcontent’ units that can be distributed over dozens of domains.” – elearnmag
The development of ICT within education clearly enhances the social constructivism theory also. When reflecting upon the ‘mobile phone Wiki activity’, a favourable outcome was achieved through the platform of Wiki and using the de Bono’s Hat framework. Collaborative, higher order thinking was achieved, supporting the constructivism theory. This setting stimulated creations of new thinking as problem-solving was enhanced.
“…what is important to recognize is that the emergence of the Web 2.0 is not a technological revolution, it is a social revolution…Web 2.0 is an attitude not a technology. It’s about enabling and encouraging participation through open applications and services.” – elearnmag
Finally, the behaviourism theory is also stimulated. Through positive reinforcement utilising online tools with ‘pre-defined’ results. As it proposes in course materials;
“The biggest impact of ICT on learning outcomes is where you are working towards complex outcomes, such as analysis, synthesis and evaluation.”

These technologies allow learners to tap into their higher order thinking, as referred to by Bloom’s Taxonomy, whilst learning in their preferred method. While researching and analysing each technology, copyright of images and materials existed in each platform. Within course materials a principle, which highlighted awareness on the web proposes;
“…normal copyright guidelines for education apply in an online environment.”
Obviously there is a standard. Users must work legally, safely and ethically. As an example, each of my blog posts has references.

Upon completion of schooling, students need to be equipped with fundamental skills to be life long learners and valuable within their chosen field. I appreciate the role ICT performs in this development. Reflecting on the skills I have now acquired whilst exploring these technologies, I acknowledge that ICT will play a significant role in my classroom, which will give my learners an enhanced, rich learning experience.
“There is also an increasing recognition that learning is becoming a creative activity and that the appropriate venue is a platform rather than an application. In the future it will be more widely recognized that the learning comes not from the design of learning content but in how it is used. Most e-Learning theorists are already there.” - elearnmag
To fully appreciate the evaluation of e-Learning, I have prepared a SWOT Analysis. 
'course materials'
Chapter III Pedagogical Potentials of Multimodal Literacy

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Week Six...

Mobile Learning

Embracing this digital age rather than working against it should be the position of learning mangers when engaging pupils. 21st century children are considered the 'digital generation'. With almost 90% of households in Australia having IT access, children ARE engaging in multimodal texts. 
"Mobile phones are a tool for communication as well as a source for information. With new technology that means the internet can be accessed remotely, mobile phones bridge the domains of communication and information technology." -
However there is large debate on whether this stance is favourable, with arguments of cyber-bullying, distractions, theft and reduction in learning. Regardless of mobile device use in the classroom, cyber-bullying will not cease to exist. However why not harness this as an opportunity to teach safe practices and supportive treatment toward one another. This can also provide an opportunity to respect others' property. Whether utilising a mobile devices' potential in a classroom or not, youth will continue to bring devices to school and theft is an issue needing to be addressed regardless. There will always be negative degrees to progression, until it is applied and well established. 
"Some people may want to ban cell phones from classrooms, but I disagree. We didn't ban pens in our schools because students can pass notes during class."
"...And the amount of paper that is generated in most schools is almost criminal." -

Online safety and security is a concern for both parents and educators. However, not implementing strategies to teach children on choosing safe practices 'online' is a failure to empower and prepare them for the world of technology they will face outside of the classroom.
"...cell phone can extend beyond the walls of the school or the confines of a class period." -
One of the most obvious problems that may arise is the fact not all students own a mobile device. However, using this scenario can capitalise on the social constructivism learning theory by working in pairs or small groups. This collaborative method enhances higher order thinking as problem-solving is determined through analysing, evaluating and learning strategies among classmates. 

Within my elected teaching field I would adopt several apps to engage students. Here are a few of the apps I've explored this week;

Dropbox App - "By synching with other machines sporting Dropbox, users do not have to fear misplacing important documents - it even boasts the ability to read a number of different common file formats too! Anyone with an iPhone may save their photos and videos directly to the application as well." - Dropbox

 Evernote App - "Capture anything...Remember everything."
 - Evernote

eClicker App - "Poll your students in the Classroom...Are your students hearing you?" - eClicker

Teacher's Assistant Pro 2 - #1 Education App for tracking behaviour and discipline.

Pages App - "the most beautiful word processor you've ever seen on a mobile device".  - Pages 
This app is one of my personal favourites. 

Mobile devices capitalize on learning anywhere, any time, can be self-paced and harness social constructivism. Young people are highly skilled in the use of mobile devices, it is only natural to channel this ability positively. There is a fierce debate on whether to enhance learning by utilising mobile devices in the classroom, or not. However, there is no argument that mobile devices are on trend with youth and will continue to increase in popularity and demand. 

And finally;
"...with dwindling budgets, so we need to rethink possibilities, stretching every dollar. These mini computers are walking through the doors each day, let's put them to work." -

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Week Five...


Digital Technologies 4

"ZooBurst is a tool that allows students to create their own pop-up books. Designed with digital storytelling in mind, ZooBurst encourages creative thinking through the marriage of visuals and text. This resource offers an alternative to storyboards in the developmental process of a digital movie, or a unique format for digital storytelling..."
Users are able to create their own 3D pop-up digital storybook on this platform. This ICT is endorsed by the "American Association of School Librarians", voting it best Website for Teaching and Learning in 2011. Naturally this site encourages reading and exploring of students' imaginations, so this accolade is appropriate. I reflect as a child wanting to literally jump into the pages of my favourite books, and in ways this technology allows it's readers to do just that. The technology compliments each learning style as it capitalises on the tech components it features. 

At the beginning of the process, authors select whether to privately access their story, or share with people who possess a valid password. There is the option to make your story public, however, whatever selection chosen can be altered later. Below is a video I found to be valuable while exploring ZooBurst.

This enhanced learning for viewers is satisfied through exciting and unique visuals (often tailor-made), optional audio and text. It's menu interface features a prompted upload/select tool and takes it's author through each phase step-by-step. Authors can select colours for background, text and page - customising it for each user. 
"Digital storytelling tool that lets anyone easily create his or her own 3D pop up books." - ZooBurst
An additional advantage of utilising this tool as learning managers is it's ease to embed these 3D storybooks into blogs or websites, for example a Wiki classroom. Classroom discussions can be controlled through the optional forum of ZooBurst, which can be connected to each book. This produces a virtual classroom space where students are able to interact and deliberate. This tool gives educators a unique platform to engage their audience. Subjects are brought to life by literally popping out from each page. 

As a future Home Economics teacher, I have constructed a basic coaching/inspiring storybook. I have uploaded key guides on the construction of designer pieces. Students can watch and read how to design their own fashion samples. Although I believe where this tool would most profit secondary students the greatest, is when they're displaying their own projects and assignments. As ZooBurst advocates;
"...provides students unique ways to tell stories, deliver presentations, write reports and express complex ideas." 
Once their work is compiled, collaboratively thoughts can be considered. This analysing and reflection capitalises higher order thinking. A great read I found which incorporated ZooBurst with clever frameworks is Eden School
"Creating a collaborative book is a great way to use ZooBurst in the classroom...each student writes and animates one page. In the free version, there is a maximum of 10 pages. Students can work in pairs, or a second book can be linked." - Eden School
Teachers First has some exceptional lesson plans worth a look also.

Overall I found this ICT to be quite genius. It's unique and fun format engages it's audience and is advantageous to student's when designing their own work. 


Week Five...

Digital Technologies 3

"Why blog when you can Glog?"

Fun tool! As their site suggests, this technology is a 'graphic blog'; a 'visual' network. During my journey with e-Learning we have explored many technologies, some I've worked extensively with and others I'm investigating for the first time. Glogster is one of my favourites. I really appreciate it's power to capture it's audience and the ability to display a richness of information within a poster size layout. 

Users can express their originality by 'mashing up' photos, videos, music, images and text. Once published, authors can share their Glog within Glogster's community, on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or Tumblr. The options to choose a private page is favourable for teachers. Learning managers are able to create a page with restricted access for their students only and access is free, however the Glogster Edu has minimal fees.

Glogster boasts that it is the #1 online learning tool in the U.S. and I recognize why. I appreciate it's format having one page to engage your learner. Authors can capture their audience with graphics, allowing them to explore further with audio/videos, bullet form or brief text explanations. The design and construction of this online multimedia poster arrangement is inspiring. It has a very easy to use interface featuring a basic drag & drop tool. It accommodates all learners as it has visuals, audio and allows students to interact. Another of their tags which I am personally inspired by;

Students are able to invent and create their own Glog. It's platform allows higher order thinking through it's freedom to create and encourages teamwork. This social constructivism develops student's creativity (an element I feel passionate about), expands their presentation skills and is adaptable to any program. 
"Promotes Independent Problem Solving - Glogster EDU creates an adaptable and innovative learning environment for all learners, regarless of age, gender, culture or learning style. Students are encouraged to be independent, inventive problem solving and lifelong learners." - Glogster
I would utilise this tool often as a textile teacher. A concept that I designed, reflected in my Glog is one example. It demonstrates how I would organise the participation of learners in the student's graduate showcase of the Melbourne Fashion Week. I have integrated the requirements, dates, a video of designers, a brief how to and inspirational images. Student's are encouraged to participate in the class discussion on entries, inspire and strengthen one another and develop/build resources on their own. Once their piece is complete I would challenge them to create a Glog of their process displayed on their poster. It would include fabric samples, discussion of stitch/cut/design, a taping of the student at work etc. Their creativity is limitless in this arena. 

For me personally I loved discovering this tool. It is one that is adaptable within any chosen field and provokes creativity. To fully appreciate the tool, below is a PMI I created. 

Promotes creativity
Poster sized page                                               
Accommodates all learners                        
Many options for engagement                 

Network restrictions
Price for better features
Server overload
Tech Support

Glog vs Blog
Restricted to poster

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Week Four...

"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how 
to see without a camera." - Dorothea Lane 
(Los Angeles Times, August 13 1978)

Digital Technologies 2

I feel very fortunate this week to have the opportunity to post about images! Why?? I LOVE photography. Finishing my Diploma in Photography this year and now extending on that knowledge, I am in the process of completing my Advanced Diploma. So this topic is a passion of mine.

In this week's activity, I had the task of exploring multimedia - images, video and audio tools, and how they benefit students in traditional and virtual classrooms. I believe to significantly enhance higher order thinking is to combine audio with images. However, images alone are a very powerful tool which should not be underestimated. A quote I read this week within the reading materials I found quite relevant to this argument;
"Literacy usually means the ability to read and write, but it can also refer to the ability to 'read' kinds of signs other than words - for example, images or gestures. The proliferation of images in our culture...makes visual literacy, the ability to 'read' images, a vital skill." -
To be told of current events with text/audio can create an idea for the listener/reader but nothing can give a greater appreciation of the subject than an image. Which is why I chose to support this belief by opening and exploring an account with Fickr. Access my account here!

Flickr suggests that it is;
"...almost certainly the best online photo management and sharing application in the world." - Flickr
It's users can upload images, organise photo's/video's into sets (like a story album), then sets are arranged into galleries. Flickr has mapping tools to give further data about images, a handy device when searching within your gallery for images. Users are able to add contacts, form groups, participate in discussions and explore Flickr's creative commons. This allows others to copy, distribute and display the author's work - but only if the user gives the author credit. Academia shares some advantages of teaching with this multimedia tool.
"Users have the ability in Flickr to create private groups where images and discussions can be shared away from public scrutiny, which can be ideal for teaching. Students can share their images with the group, and view and comment on each others work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Teachers can easily track student progress, comment and grade work online, freeing up time in the face-to-face class." - Academia
As an amateur photographer I personally appreciate that Flickr contains a metadata of each photograph. A brilliant tool when recalling technical aspects of the image; exposure, shutter speed and aperature. 

The added benefit within this site is the incorporation of commenting on photographs. As a learning manager I would create a 'group' for my class, upload images to share within this group and invite a class discussion. For example; for a year 11 textile class, I would upload an image of a poorly stitched garment and suggest my students to analyse and evaluate the work and how they would propose to solve the incorrections. This would create a discussion which would be elaborated on within our classroom. Using a 'placemat proforma' each student would consider how they would correct the garment. The techniques the students suggested online would be constructed by pupils using classroom machines. Each learner then would provide evidence to our online classroom by taking images of their work, uploading them to Flickr with data of their choice of stitch/cut etc.
This creates personal reflection, study of others' work which increases critical analysis skills. Collectively we would decide which option to be best. The students are then able to upload additional images, creating their own portfolio of work, archiving into galleries. 

A great read I came across while exploring this week, illustrating the strength of using Flickr within the classroom worth a read is Using Flickr in the Classroom. A beneficial concept of utilising the RSS tool within Flickr stated in the conference suggested this;

"Schools can take advantage of this RSS capability to create a database of appropriate images about their school that can be delivered automatically to parents and other community members who subscribe to the RSS feed."

My personal experience with Flickr was very positive. I found it easy to navigate and believe it's positives greatly outweigh any negatives. However, in order to fully explore and appreciate the gains of the tool, I also investigated any weaknesses. 

Finally, within the reading materials "Chapter III - Pedagogical Potentials of Multimodal Literacy" set for this week I found some insightful and inspiring messages. Firstly I was shocked to read;
"There are arguments that classrooms are in danger of becoming redundant unless significant changes are made to curriculum and assessment practices."
But then;
"While we may acknowledge this changed paradigm, we are a long way from understanding how these changes can be realised pedagogically."
"...we need to know how to develop classroom learning experiences that are appropriate for both conventional and new forms of literacy."
"To read and produce multimodal texts, students need to be able to combine traditional literacy practices with the understanding, design and manipulation of different modes of image, graphics, sound and movement with text."
I found these words to be precisely the dilema facing modern day classrooms. It emphasised to me how relevant e-Learning is for today's learning managers.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Week Three...

Digital Technologies 1

After already exploring a Wiki and a Blog, this week I chose to challenge myself and create a website...and I'm pleased I did. Using the website Weebly, I was able to construct and design a website of my own. I found this online tool very user-friendly. My website I created is Little Tribe, a hobby I am very passionate about.

Being tech savvy, I have learnt some coding from a brilliant site Codecademy. Coding is what creates software, apps, websites, browsers and this very blog. However, with Weebly, there are no technical skills required. It makes it possible to create a website without needing coded languages.

Examples of Weebly Themes
It offers it's users an extensive range of formats and once chosen, a simple drag and save process is all it takes. The user can upload photo's from their computer, shuffle photo's by click and drag, add/delete pages from menu, add captions to images & create slideshows. Each page is easily personalised with text, images, media, choice of fonts/themes and structure are all chosen by the user. As their slogan suggests, Weebly is surprisingly easy.

Just as a complicated mathematical equation is broken down, Weebly is also. The user is guided through each editing page; Build, Design, Pages and Site Stats. What seemed initially to be complicated, becomes an easy process. An additional advantage is the option of including a Blog and/or Forum, converting a static website, into an interactive site. 
From a teacher's perspective, a classroom can be built easily. Through Weebly's well organised interface, learning managers can manage students from their education account, upload assignments online and inform parents of progress.

A video worthwhile watching if considering building a website on Weebly I found on YouTube is above.

From a student's perspective, they can creatively construct their own websites (providing they're over 13 years of age, otherwise they need adult consent), and engage in the blogs and forums. Regardless whether the student in the typical classroom is generally quiet and reserved or usually loud and extroverted, in a virtual classroom all students are equal. Therefore the platform that Weebly (and other sites like it) creates is a more interactive classroom and consequently increases engagement. 

Image from InsideOut
Upon completion of my degree, I hope to become a Home Economics teacher. Weebly would be a valuable tool to enhance the learning of my students. Through the textile pathway, I could upload a video of a fashion designer as inspiration and research, podcast a presentation with a local designer or textile maker, or create a slideshow which could showcase some of the creations designed by students. 
From the cooking aspect, the class could construct a virtual cookbook, a map of the origins of food's could be created using the map tool on the site, followed by a poll of what recipe should be selected to cook that week. 

Through the blogs, forums, polls and interaction within the site, the students are able to form knowledge, apply their new knowledge and ideas, collectively they are able to analyse and evaluate, which successively challenges their higher order thinking skills. Students can interact, observe and grasp the curriculum objectives in an engaging format, from anywhere. 

At the suggestion of another e-Learning student, I tested the Creately website to display a SWOT analysis I created for Weebly.

In brief, the experience I had this week with Weebly was one of great benefit. I feel confident that if I were to utilise this platform in the classroom I would operate it to it's full potential, and enhance my students' level of learning.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Week Two...

Mobile Phone Wiki Activity

Social constructivism was the learning theory behind this weeks activity. Students were asked to participate and address an authentic debate 'What do you think about mobile phones in the classroom?'. Wiki was selected as the platform for the deliberation, using De Bono's Hats scaffolding. Each learner was asked to select one of the directions used in this teaching strategy.
De Bono's scaffold proved to be a successful method to maximise the problem-based learning in the activity. Challenging students to look at the topic in the 6 different categories enhanced our higher order of thinking skills. It gave an insight of diverse opinions which I had not considered. Contemplating other solutions and perspectives was beneficial in this dialogue. Comparing our thought process to Bloom's Taxonomy, as a collective we were able to achieve HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills).

Having not been familiar with Wiki classrooms before this activity, I was able to apply the new knowledge I have gained, cooperatively we were able to analyse and compare opinions, synthesis and combine viewpoints, then later reflect and evaluate through our blog. Alternatively, considering the levels of thinking to the SOLO Taxonomy the group were able to reach an extended abstract level of comprehension. 

Collaboration of learning was achieved through the platform of Wikispaces. Additionally as a collective group we were able to creatively source and invent solutions to a genuine topic. The Wiki classroom designed for this activity achieved a favourable outcome. All students participated and a multitude of opinions/strategies were compiled. So much so, that we were running out of room!
"According to Vygotsky, this type of social interaction involving co-operative or collaborative dialogue promotes cognitive development."
"...learners move beyond what is already known through the support of others, to construct new knowledge."
Terry Anderson suggests;
"...without a range of perspectives, analysis was neither feasible nor robust."
The result of this discussion was learner generated content in an online forum. The learning process was made easier as a result of the design and concepts of the activity. Thoughts were shared effectively without judgement or criticism. An excerpt I read this week from the Productive Pedagogies reading I found to be inspiring and encouraging;

This exercise reflected these points. Using Wikispaces when teaching would be an affective tool. It aids virtual teamwork and opinions in an encouraging format. Active learning is promoted in this platform and teachers can view changes and participation. Personally my experience with Wikispaces was positive. The technology was user-friendly and clear to navigate and De Bono's scaffolding is a fantastic instrument to view a range of perspectives. Students developed an open communication, which was enhanced by the Thinking Hats technique. Overall I found the task to be best summed up using an extract from this weeks reading material;
"After all, good pedagogy is good pedagogy. The principles are all the same - authentic context, problem-based learning, deep understanding and higher order thinking, collaboration for learning, and the creative and inventive solution to the problem that addresses real-world problem posed."

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Week One...

Learning Theory and e-Learning

After completing week one, I'm feeling inspired and keen to complete my degree! Perhaps a bit premature...I hope this eagerness continues. I've enjoyed considering the different learning styles this week. I'm looking forward to identifying the different learning styles of my students, engaging them by mixing up teaching methods and developing lesson plans to cater for each student. When reflecting on my own learning styles I chose to look at each of the listed learning tools.

According to VAK I am a blend of all three, however slightly dominant in the visual and kinaesthetic modes. As my hobbies are creatively focused, I was pleased to see the kinaesthetic fairly high.

I completed the multiple intelligences test online and found the results fairly accurate. The outcome showed strengths in logical/visual learning, followed by naturalistic, kinaesthetic and interpersonal, an average score in linguistic and weakness' in interpersonal and music. I found that even though I consider myself an extrovert, the test focussed on study habits and therefore is accurate as I do prefer to study alone. 

Although more complex, I found the Felder and Solomon learning style inventory the most beneficial. After completing the online test I felt that if I were to teach a class, I'd be more inclined to cater for the needs of my classroom using this instrument. For me personally the results were fairly accurate. Although the results had similar peaks to Gardner's, they weren't as obvious. I found the advice given for each dimension was helpful and would be beneficial for a student's learning habits. My results showed below have a heavy sway towards visual rather than verbal styles. However, this was the second test I took (as I didn't save the first) and the first showed a level 3 rather than 9 in the visual mode, which is interesting. I personally believe that I would rate at a level 3-5 visually and not a 9. Unfortunately, the below test was taken with much more distractions then the first so may not be all that accurate. 

However for me personally, the most insightful learning material I read this week was Sir Ken Robinson's 'Do Schools Kill Creativity?'. I found his talk inspiring and factual. I highlighted two-thirds of it! My favourite points were these;

" the time they get to be adults, most kids have lost that capacity (being creative). They have become frightened of being wrong."
"And the result is, we are educating people out of their creative capacities."
"...every education system on earth has the same hierarchy of subjects...At the top are mathematics and languages, then the humanities, and the bottom are the arts. Everywhere on earth."
"My contention is that creativity now is as important in education as literacy, and we should treat it with the same status."
And my favourite;
"Picasso once said this, he said that all children are born artists. The problem is to remain an artist as we grow up. I believe this passionately, that we don't grow into creativity, we grow out of it. Or rather we get educated out of it."
I passionately believe this also. Rather than educate one out of their creativity, I look forward to integrating creativity within learning! (IMAGE)